Ignite Presentations: Learner Response

1) Type up your feedback in full including the ratings out of five for each category. 

Significance: 4
Structure: 2
Simplicity: 3
Rehearsal: 1


  • Nice opening - a little nervous but lays out the text and topic really well. 
  • Presentation clearly researched well - structure is reasonably solid but too ambitious. There's too much to get through for each slide. This suggests a real lack of rehearsal. 
  • Discussion of representation between comic and movie is an interesting line of enquiry - worth exploring further. 
  • Objectification + strength - two different things ? One to discuss further in the essay. 
  • Wider examples excellent - the #likeagirl campaign fits brilliantly with the wider media debate. 
  • Structure not entirely helpful to audience - seems to jump around concepts and debates quite randomly. This needed better organisation - a critical skill for the essay. 
  • Again, trying to do much here.... Institution to audience to mise-en-scene: any of those could have taken 45 seconds/minute on their own. 
  • Shows importance of planning and selecting relevant material - the key academic skill for MEST4. 
Q and A 
  • Q+A: Good question on audience effects - answered in a thoughtful way but could offer more depth. 
  • Excellent second Question on sexualisation in superhero movies - interesting focus on males. When prompted, moves onto women. 
  • Nice institution Question on female director - Solid answers offered. 

2) Use this feedback and your own feelings regarding your presentation to self-assess and write a detailed WWW and EBI for your own research and presentation as a 

My own self asses on my presentation:


  • The involvement of other media products to link with your topic and media text gave the audience of how the portrayal of females have actually changed in the media. 
  • Addressed the key information's about the film such as the institutions, genre and the release dates. 
  • I focused closely on the representation and portrayal of females in Wonder-Woman in comparison to the previous media adverts from the 21st century and the 20th century. 

  • In my perspective, I spoke very fast which the audience perhaps couldn't understand some of the sentences I was reading out. 
  • I jumped from a topic to topic. An example of this would be that I would be speaking about Mise-en-Scene then next slide, I would jump straight into talking about the audiences.
  • With the timing of the slides, I did overlap with the time meaning that I was still speaking about the previous slide when on the next slide. Lack of rehearsal and the slides had too many information's for me to read out in 15 seconds. 

3) Write a paragraph discussing how your presentation will lead into your critical investigation. Some of this may refer to your feedback (a greater focus on media debates, for example) or in rare cases you may want to change the focus of your investigation entirely.

With my presentation, I focused closely on the representation and portrayal of females in the media products before and also in Wonder-Woman. I essentially had to research how the portrayal of females are changing and how Wonder Woman shows that. 

My presentation will lead me into thinking more about the links with the previous media products with the chosen media text which is Wonder Woman. My topic is changing portrayal of females which I would need to research about previous media texts and how they portrayed females in comparison to how the media texts portray females now such as in Wonder Woman. Also, I would need to talk about about how DC has now challenged and rivalled Marvel in the sense that Marvel might fall behind in terms of expanding their target audience with perhaps following Dc's footpaths of having a female protagonist. 


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